1. In the Integrations tab, enable Send quiz data to Shopify and follow instructions. This step essentially gives Visual Quiz Builder the permission to send tags to Shopify Customers


    Under the Convert and Convert Pro plans, the following tags are sent: Quiz, Newsletter, <name of the quiz>, <each product recommendation>

    Under the Personalize and Flywheel plans, custom tags for individual question and answer combinations can be sent as described below

    Nearly all email automation tools like Klaviyo, Omnisend, Braze, Mailchimp and of course Shopify Flow that integrate with Shopify import Shopify tags (including the tags sent by Visual Quiz Builder) that can be used to identify quiz takers, recommended products and segment customers.

  2. Custom tags under the Personalize and Flywheel Plans:

    1. Ensure the following tags are enabled: Use tag for shopify customer tagging and Use tag for shopify customer meta. By default, they will be enabled


    2. If you wish to assign a short tag to your question, in lieu of sending the entire question heading, fill it in under Settings for each relevant question. If you are okay with the entire question heading being sent as a tag, you need not type in anything here


    3. Similarly, fill in a tag for your answer options as shown in the screenshot below if you do not wish for the entire answer option content to be sent as a tag
